11 Worst Spinoff Factions In Wrestling History

2. The Corporate Ministry

Corporate Ministry

The Corporate Ministry represented some of the worst writing and storytelling of the Attitude Era. Where Raw stopped being a wrestling show and somehow morphed into a theatrical gothic soap opera that was so convoluted it was hard to keep up what was actually happening on TV.

The Corporate Ministry materialized when The Corporation, led by Shane McMahon, and Undertaker’s Ministry of Darkness merged together to rule over the WWF. The rich and ruthless business centred Corporation and the eerie and dark gothic centred Ministry of Darkness joining forces didn’t make much sense. Regardless, they looked to take out Steve Austin together.

A nonsensical reveal by Vince McMahon to be the higher power in the group was the lowest point of it all. "It's me, Austin! It's me, Austin! It was me all along, Austin!" It ultimately meant Vince was the one responsible for having his daughter Stephanie McMahon kidnapped and nearly crucified/married to The Undertaker months prior.

Other than give the world GIFs and memes of Vince revealing himself to be the true higher power, it yielded little success.

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