11 Worst Spinoff Factions In Wrestling History

3. The Oddities

Oddities WWF

The Truth Commission aren’t a particular high point of anyone’s wrestling fandom. They were a politically charged group that didn’t get over whatsoever with the WWF audience in the mid ‘90s. So you know a spinoff faction has to be bad when it spins off from an already terrible faction. Which brings us to The Oddities.

Don Callis as The Jackyl put together the freak show villainous group and labelled them "The Parade of Human Oddities”, with discarded wrestlers like Golga (John Tenta), Luna Vachon, Kurrgan and Giant Silva. Many believe they were a stable put together solely so Vince Russo could book them in angles with Howard Stern Show’s equally bizarre cast of characters - a show Russo loved and was hugely inspired by.

You would think for how bizarre they acted on TV The Oddities would yield some casual entertainment but they just made fans cringe in unison.

The Oddities would later be reintroduced as playful babyfaces. Golga got heavily into Eric Cartman this time around which was no accident given South Park was nearly equally as popular as the WWF was in the late ‘90s, and WWF were trying to milk their success too. It was a world away from when John Tenta was booked as a monster heel against Hulk Hogan in 1990.

Less than a year after they were formed all its members were released from their contracts.

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Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.