11 Worst SummerSlam Posters In History

7. 1994

SummerSlam 2006 Poster

Back to the dodgy-poster-haven of the ‘90s now, and specifically that of 1994.

As you can probably tell, the big feud heading into this one was The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker. Or, at least, the real one versus the imposter ‘Taker.

And again you can see what they were trying to achieve here, but unlike the previous case of 2007, the reflection-in-the-broken-glass concept is let down by a lacklustre tag-line. “So hot, it’s scary” sounds like it took all of three minutes to come up with, and just feels like a bit of a desperate attempt to somehow tie the Undertaker’s gimmick to that of the PPV.

Credit where it’s due, though, I am a fan of some of the font choices.

But back to underlying idea, and the decision to go all in on ‘Taker means that there’s absolutely zero mention of the Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart WWE Championship bout—which would ultimately receive one of the only five-star ratings in all of company history.

For that kind of oversight, plus of course the corny tag-line, 1994 deserves a mention as one of the less-fondly remembered SummerSlam posters.

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