11 Worst SummerSlam Posters In History

6. 1993

SummerSlam 2006 Poster

And speaking of bad tag-lines, they don’t come much worse than that of SummerSlam 1993.

“Fat chance!”, were the iconic words that the company decided to roll with for the summer PPV. This was in reference to the plus-sized Yokozuna, who headed into the event as WWE Champion after a blistering debut year in which he'd previously lost on just two occasions.

But who was it who had the fat chance—Yokozuna? Or his opponent for the title, Lex Luger? You’d have thought it would be Luger, given that this would be his only shot at the title, and he’d been forced to wear a protective pad on his forearm. But then, the accompanying tag-line was “somebody has to stop him!”, which suggests it was in reference to Yokozuna. Continuity, guys!

Plus, the poster itself featured an image of the champion hitting the United States flag with his patented Bonzai Drop finisher.

It felt like another attempt at comedy, but given how seriously they were taking the “All-American hero” Lex Luger, it didn’t quite add up with the story surrounding the PPV.

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