11 Wrestlers WWE Fired And Then Immediately Rehired

3. Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero 2002

Fired: Sadness enveloped every fan of Eddie Guerrero's in-ring skills when it was announced that he'd be parting ways with the WWF on 12 November 2001. Three days earlier, Guerrero had been arrested for driving under the influence, and the company didn't want anything to do with it.

They'd already sent Eddie to rehab that May and needed him to get sober.

Rehired: To his credit, Guerrero didn't wallow in self-pity when he was released. Instead, he launched himself into some seriously good matches on the indy circuit (including a belter against Super Crazy on ROH's debut show), and was back in the WWF/WWE fold by April Fool's Day 2002. Thankfully, that wasn't a prank.

Guerrero, re-motivated and raring to go against Rob Van Dam, rebuilt his stature as one of the best workers in the industry and became WWE Champion two years later in 2004. That exit from the big time in November '01 was a blessing in disguise Eddie needed.

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Zelina Vega
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