11 Wrestling Easter Eggs You Totally Didn't Notice
9. WWE's Anti-CM Punk Message
Shown wandering around Titan Towers on the 'Ultimate Legend' documentary, Ultimate Warrior found himself in a room decorated with various pay-per-view posters. The Royal Rumble 2014 poster looks very different, if you squint. You have to laugh at the absolute state of WWE's priorities here.
"This man cannot be shown on the WWE Network in any capacity."
"Ah, you must mean the virulent homophobe who delights in the cancer diagnosis of a wrestling legend in addition to the tragic suicide of a man who painted his face in a similar manner in order to earn a decent living."
"No, not the Ultimate Warrior. The guy who left."
One of two things happened here, and both are hilarious.
1) WWE is so profoundly petty that they went to the lengths of obscuring CM Punk's face with a post-it note because they were so gotten-to. CM Punk would rather leave than work Triple H at WrestleMania. Infidel!
2) Some no-f*cks-giving office staffer lampooned WWE's infamous bullsh*t with an inspired sight gag.
Perhaps it was Triple H himself, enraged at the temerity of this man.
Or perhaps Vince McMahon thought it was Christian.