11 Wrestling Movies You’ve Never Heard Of

4. Wrestlemaniac (2006)

Starring Rey Mysterio€™s uncle, Miguel ngel López Díaz, better known in lucha libre as Rey Misterio Snr, this slasher movie from writer/director Jesse Baget sees a group of kids, intending to put together a low budget porn movie, get lost in Mexico and arrive in a sinister ghost town, La Sangre De Dios (literally, €˜The Blood Of The Gods). They find out about a scary urban legend that whispers of a homicidal luchador, El Mascarado, a legend of the business who went insane and began murdering his opponents€ a legend which, of course, is absolutely true, and the bright young things begin to get offed by the unstoppable rudo. Wrestlemaniac, also released under the title El Mascarado Massacre, is a generic slasher movie with a rather delicious twist to the high concept, if you€™re a wrestling fan: the crazed El Mascarado believes himself to be still taking part in a Lucha de Apuesta, Máscara contra Máscara. If you€™re not a lucha libre fan, that means a match with a mask versus mask stipulation: a highly culturally significant match type whereby the winner would get to remove the loser€™s mask. That€™s right - he€™s ripping off the faces of his victims. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fTDRux-Gt8 If you like this kind of flick, Wrestlemaniac is some good, undemanding fun. Sadly it€™s also unintentionally hilarious when the heroine (played by WWE Diva Search also-ran Leyla Milani), already wearing skimpy clothes, is forced through elaborately contrivance to strip to her underwear and then get soaking wet while on the run from the killer. It appears as if she was the only woman in the cast who didn€™t have contractually mandated nudity in the script, and the director found a ridiculous loophole. What a douchecanoe.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.