11 WWE Superstars Unrecognisable As Youths

3. Vince McMahon And Linda McMahon

In 1961, thirteen year old Linda Edwards met sixteen year old Vince McMahon. The pair dated throughout their teens and Vince ended up being a constant fixture by Linda's side. She was the stable remedy to his tumultuous childhood. The pair married on August 26th, 1966 and their relationship was the bedrock that the WWE was built upon. Make no mistake about it, Linda was pivotal to the WWE's business success. She was involved in so much of the early WWF business operations and gave Vince the level of a support that he needed. They really were a match made in personal and professional heaven. Despite having their problems (Vince has admitted to having cheated on her in the past) they continue to be rocks for each other to this very day.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.