11 WWE WrestleMania 32 Results Predictions

1. Triple H (C) Vs Roman Reigns - WWE Title

Despite all the controversy, WWE's marketing is still indicating that Hunter and Reigns will be the show closer. Part of that has to be The Game's ego, main eventing the biggest Mania of all time is a legacy moment. Roman Reigns has had rotten creative in the build for this, and the whole crowd is going to be against him. But unlike last year, WWE will hold their nerve and put him over as the new champion. It will be a whole load of boos, but then the show will be over, and it will be what happens in the coming months that really makes or breaks the new champ. As a match, it should be really good. Triple H is excellent and Reigns had a lot of really good matches in the past year. There's no doubting he can work, his problems are all character / creative related. With WWE apparently making it No DQ, expect a war and plenty of outside interference. Shawn Michaels will come out to aid The Game, only for The Rock to show up and even the playing field. Reigns then hits Hunter with the spear for the controversial one, two, three. Winner and new champion: Roman Reigns
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.