11 WWE WrestleMania 32 Results Predictions

6. AJ Styles Vs Chris Jericho

AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho is the one true wrestling match on the show, and therefore it has a chance of stealing match of the night honours. However, with so many bouts booked, and segments like The Rock to feature, there has to be a chance that this match may end up without enough time to really live up to what it could be. Also counting against it is the fact fans have seen it repeatedly in the last couple of months. But with workers like Styles and Jericho, that shouldn't matter too much. The result is a tricky one. There's some good reasons for putting Styles over, but there's a lot to be gained from going forward with the heel Jericho act. He'll get the victory with a good old fashioned low blow and the Walls Of Jericho. Winner: Chris Jericho
WWE Writer

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