12 Actors Who Could Totally Play WWE Superstars In Movies

These aren't just doppelgängers, they're potential award winners.

Hugh Jackman/The Undertaker

Most wrestling fans have, at some point or another in their lifetime, fantasized about occupying the bodies of their favorite WWE superstars. (Not in the creepy way. Probably.) You may have been 10-years-old, perfecting the Randy Savage diving elbow drop from your couch onto an old mattress. Or you may have been thirty, staring at yourself in the mirror, willing only your right eyebrow to move upward far enough to satisfy The People. 

But you're never going to be The Rock. 


But wouldn't it be great if you could watch someone else, let's say a professional actor who gets paid to play make-believe, channel The People's Champ so convincingly that you felt like you were reliving 1999 all over again? 

Unfortunately, aside from a TV movie about Jesse "The Body" Ventura and 2008's The Wrestler, which was culled from various real life stories, there's been an astonishing lack of sports biopics about even the most well-known WWE Superstars. 

With all the behind-the-scenes politics, in-ring tragedies, and personal demons floating around the company, it's shocking that no writers have tapped that well yet. With the Chris Benoit and Hulk Hogan biopics stuck in development hell, it looks like a true wrestling biopic is a long way's off. 

Still, that won't stop us from fantasizing about seeing some of our favorite superstars portrayed on the big screen...

12. Taylor Kitsch As Bret Hart

Hugh Jackman/The Undertaker
20th Century Fox/WWE

Bret Hart's story needs to be brought to the big screen, if only so the Montreal Screwjob can finally receive the proper dramatic treatment it so deserves. The Excellence of Exectution followed a pretty standard sports movie rise in his career, starting off as an underdog and tag-team specialist before ultimately becoming a headliner and one of the greatest wrestlers in history.

But it's the behind-the-curtain drama that would really make a biopic about The Hit Man (there's your title) stand out from the rest. 

Taylor Kitsch's film resume is less than impressive, featuring the ultimate stinker John Carter, but this would be the perfect opportunity for a resurrection. He's shown that he can play a character with Bret's restrained sense of cool, as he does on HBO's True Detective, so this should be well within his wheelhouse. 

And for a supporting role as Bret's tag team partner, Jim Neidhart, let's get Chris Pratt to put a few pounds back on and get involved.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.