12 Conclusions From WWE RAW (June 22)

2. Rusev Looks Like An Idiot

Monstrous Rusev. He who was known for decimating his opponents and breaking their spirits with The Accolade. Now, the Bulgarian Brute (apart from no longer being Russian) is known for bemoaning his lost Lana and flailing around on his crutches. Summer Rae appeared onscreen to hand Rusev back one of his walking aids, showing him that there is life after Lana, and in time, his heart (and his ankle) will mend. Sweet Jesus. The match that made Rusev so upset because of Lana's involvement featured her man Dolph Ziggler against the lesser-spotted Adam Rose, whose promo about real love with Rosa Mendes made him look almost as much of an idiot as Rusev. Still, at least Dolph won with the Superkick. Somebody clearly read 10 Conclusions From WWE RAW last week.

As a long-time WWE fan, I have always enjoyed watching men pretend to beat each other up while wearing spandex. Extra points for facepaint, none for tassels. I love all things sci-fi. If there's a 'Star' somewhere in the title, I'll probably dig it. I'm a huge football fan too. For my sins, I support Manchester United.