12 (Days Of) Christmas Gifts For WWE Superstars

5. Gold Rings

Ok, not quite. More specifically, there are five WWE superstars in dire need of some gold around their waist. Whilst Sandow does have the tag titles with The Miz, it€™s an afterthought which will be forgotten in time. What Sandow €“ plus Cesaro and Titus O€™Neil €“ needs is a solid run with a mid-card title. Cesaro has lost all momentum from his inaugural €˜Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal€™ win at WrestleMania XXX. His run as a €˜Paul Heyman guy€™ quickly went nowhere and he was soon losing to Kofi Kingston, Big E, Rob Van Dam and Jack Swagger. Vince McMahon spoke of him during his recent interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin, saying that €œsomething is missing€ and that his verbal skills aren€™t connecting with the audience. Sandow held the Money in the Bank briefcase and fought valiantly in his eventual defeat to John Cena, yet has sunk like a stone since. Bad News Barrett needs some good news upon his return from injury €“ he has been held back by various injuries and needs a good singles run. The fifth person who needs a title soon is Roman Reigns, but that€™s a safe bet. He has a very bright immediate future. Speaking of which€.
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John Cena
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From Chester-le-Street, with Newcastle as my spiritual home. 24 years old, I'm at Sunderland University studying for a Sports Journalism MA. It's all about football and WWE. Wordplay jokes and puns are also encouraged.