9. Rusev Beats John Cena
For the past several months, WWE has taken the mystifying tactic of portraying John Cena as past his prime. Presumably, this serves a two-fold purpose - firstly, Roman Reigns can be portrayed as WWE's hot new superstar leading into WrestleMania, and secondly, Cena can score a big victory at the show of shows and save his reputation as an elite competitor. His feud with Rusev has taken the characterization one step further, though - after a crushing loss to the U.S. Champion at Fast Lane, Rusev and Lana have called Cena an "old man" and have doubted his ability to compete at a high level. Common logic would dictate that at WrestleMania, Cena gets his win back and redeems himself... but what if he doesn't? What if Cena suffers another loss to Rusev - maybe even one by submission - and thus, the new perception of WWE's most prolific champion is validated? Fans love to hate Cena, but a loss at WrestleMania would be an uncomfortable gut-punch - not one on the level of The Undertaker's loss last year, but still unpleasant.
Scott Fried
Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried.
*Best Crowd of the Year, 2013
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