12 Greatest Ever Fictional Wrestlers

7. Bone Saw McGraw - Spider-Man

the wrestler mickey rourke
Sony Pictures

If you know your comic book lore, the wrestler Peter Parker faced way back in Amazing Fantasy #15 was known as Crusher Hogan. However, by the time Spider-Man became a feature film, Hulk Hogan was a thing, far more famous than the comic book footnote that predated his ring name by at least a decade. Even if the folks at Columbia thought keeping the name was a wise move, they would never have been able to sell Randy Savage on the idea (he was smack in the middle of one of his legendary Hogan hate binges at the time).

Bone Saw owes every single drop of his vitality to the performance of the Macho Man. He's basically the Macho Man a non-wrestling fan would imagine, based solely upon Slim Jim commercial and, uh, Spider-Man cameos. The real Savage had twelve or fourteen layers of fascinating strangeness buried beneath the surface-level formula of "gravelly voice + catchphrase", but if we'd gotten to see that he never would have worked as a heel, and they would've had to turn Spidey. The movie would have ended with the Green Goblin taking an Atomic Elbow off the Brooklyn Bridge.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.