12 Greatest Fictional Hometowns In Wrestling History

3. Tsunami

Parts Unkown Wwf

Not only was John Tenta a member of the Natural Disasters, but he briefly owned a home in one. As the Shark in WCW, Tenta was announced as being "from Tsunami", which means that either someone in WCW believed that "Tsunami" was a location, or they expected fans to believe that Shark was washed ashore in a violent storm like he was Mothra's egg.

Someone at WCW eventually wised up and figured out that tsunamis are not cities, but in fact catastrophic tidal waves caused by undersea earthquakes, and Shark's hometown was changed to "the Great Barrier Reef." As a show of good faith, they should have at least forced Tenta to attempt a cartoonishly broad Australian accent.

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.