12 Greatest Fictional Hometowns In Wrestling History

1. Parts Unknown


The granddaddy of all dubious places of origin, Parts Unknown is so imaginary that it doesn't even have a name. Its citizenry is a veritable roll call of wrestling's greatest nutjobs, including the Ultimate Warrior, Doink, the Missing Link and every single masked jobber tag team of all time.

Trying to figure out the geography of Parts Unknown is daunting. It's home to steroid freaks, s&m Hellraiser demons, and voodoo priests. Imagining the layout and population demographics is like trying to figure out what state the Simpsons live in. Just about all we know for sure is that they have a greasepaint store there. Oh, and that it lies somewhere between Venice Beach and Toronto, because of that one creepy Warrior promo where he told Hulk Hogan that if his plane crashed on the way to WrestleMania VI, he'd be pretty close. 

To Parts. 



*loud snorting*

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.