12 Greatest Flying Elbows In Wrestling History
8. Big Show's World's Largest Elbow
In an era when The Big Show brings to mind nothing so much as recurrent chants of "please retire", it's easy to lose sight of what a singular athlete the guy is. In his youth he was capable of throwing running dropkicks that hit like wrecking balls, and he could supposedly even execute a moonsault in the earliest days of his career. As recently as 2011, Big Show was distinguishing himself by hitting Mark Henry with a flying elbow drop.
Big Show's form isn't much to write home about; he doesn't get a significant amount of air and his silhouette isn't all that unique. It's a regular elbow drop, executed unpectacularly by a 7 foot, 450 pound giant, but that's amazing in itself; you never saw Kevin Nash, Great Khali or Andre the Giant hold their massive frames steady on the ropes and leap halfway across the ring without dying.