12 Most Alarming Physique Transformations In WWE History

11. The Rock

BT The Rock

Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'? The answer is protein. Lots and lots of protein. The Rock's physique has underwent many changes over the years but you can never accuse him of being in bad shape. The Rock has always looked like the superstar that he is. When he debuted in 1996 he was very thick but nowhere near as toned as he would become years later. Dwayne Jonhson very quickly became more toned and looked positively shredded by 1999.

Unfortunately for him, he also required a trip to the doctor's office to have surgery to remove breast-like tissue from his pectoral region, a common procedure for people who have used steroids (although it has never been proven that The Rock has taken the drugs). The surgery was the reason that Rocky wore that black tracksuit for a spell during 1999. He leaned out a lot when he went to Hollywood in the early 2000s and was noticeably smaller when he returned for a brief spell between February and April 2003.

When The Rock came back for his match with Cena at WrestleMania XXVIII he was bigger than he had ever been in his career. The Rock still keeps himself in top shape and at the age of 45 he puts most of the WWE roster to shame.

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Michael Cole
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...