12 Most Brutal WWE Chair Shots

3. The Rock On Ken Shamrock (Raw, 17 March 1998)

Shamrock Chair Shot

Ken Shamrock is either one tough dude or a rather stupid one. A record of 28 wins from 47 MMA fights suggests it’s the former, while it also makes me regret saying the latter....

But there’s no denying that it his decision to take a totally unprotected chair shot—and on a throwaway episode of Raw, of all things—was something of a reckless one.

On the 17 March 1998 showing of Monday Night Raw, and after an in-ring confrontation with The Rock, Shamrock took an absolute zinger of a chair shot from his soon-to-be Corporation stablemate. And not only that, but he was literally begging Rock to take a swing.

In a dramatic scene, a kneeling Shamrock beckoned Rock to pick his spot, which he duly did with an almighty smack that naturally left Shamrock sprawling on his back.

“Did you hear that?” cried Jim Ross on commentary, in a front-running candidate for 1998's most rhetorical question of the year.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.