12 Most Brutal WWE Chair Shots

2. The Rock On Mankind (Royal Rumble 1999)

Shamrock Chair Shot

Unfortunately for Mankind, this next instance doesn’t cover any single chair shot—in total, it relates to a staggering eleven strikes that he took in the space of a single match, back in January of 1999.

At the Royal Rumble PPV, Mankind met the Rock in an “I Quit” match. Except, someone apparently forgot to tell Mankind that he actually had to say those words in order to end the match. Instead, he powered on through a throttling from The Rock, and while you could argue that no single chair shot was as bad as the one that was dished out to Shamrock nine months prior, it’s the sheer volume of these shots that make this instance all the more brutal.

The incident was featured prominently on the Beyond the Mat documentary, which only serves to make it even more difficult to look back on. Not only does the movie showcase what Mankind’s family, watching at ringside, went through, but it also reveals that Mankind himself wasn’t actually 100% behind The Rock going quite as overboard as he did.


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