12 Most Brutal WWE Chair Shots

7. Shawn Michaels On Vince McMahon (WrestleMania 22)

Shamrock Chair Shot

Fair play to Vince McMahon, because he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. That much was apparent at WrestleMania 22 when the company chairman went one-on-one with Shawn Michaels in a No Holds Barred grudge match.

Sure, the match was fairly gimmicky in parts, but it was anything but the kind of copout you might expect to see from a part-time performer. Vince took his fair share of big bumps, including a splash from Michaels from a ladder through a trashcan and of course, a chair shot that might explain some of the many questionable booking decisions he’s made since that night some eleven years ago.

With Vince’s son Shane handcuffed to the bottom rope and Michaels wielding a chair, there was nowhere left for the boss to run. Stumbling to his feet, he turned right into Michaels’ swing, taking an unprotected shot flush on his forehead.

If you plan on checking out the footage of this one, make sure you do so with the sound on, not only for the smack of the chair itself but also for JR and Jerry Lawler’s nuggets on commentary.


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