12 Most Brutal WWE Chair Shots

8. Mike Awesome On Masato Tanaka (One Night Stand 2005)

Shamrock Chair Shot

Sticking with that ECW theme, and we’ve another ripsnorter of a chair shot that took place at the One Night Stand PPV, this time from the previous year’s edition in 2005.

That show saw Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka get reacquainted with one another, some six years after feuding over the ECW Championship at the turn of the 21st century. And many might argue that this final instalment in 2005 was the greatest of all their matches together.

Awesome would eventually come up trumps in that one, though the match is perhaps best remembered for the series of chair shots Tanaka took which would have knocked any mere mortal for six.

Tanaka, though, clearly doesn’t fall into that category. He absorbed Awesome’s shots and miraculously remained standing, even giving Awesome the full Hogan treatment at one point, hulking up before one final pasting knocked him off his feet and nearly out of his socks. Somehow, Tanaka still managed to get back up, but even those theatrics couldn’t hide the fact that those were some brutal chair shots.


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