12 Most Embarrassing Wrestler Debuts In WWE History
As far as first impressions go...these are about as bad as they get.
First impressions are everything in wrestling. Because even people who spend a solid chunk of their time rooting for fictitious characters to be powerbombed through tables have integrity, dammit! And spitting in the face of that integrity is a cardinal sin. And even though we, as wrestling fans, have endured some of the stupidest gimmicks to ever be assembled in a brainstorming word cloud and still decided to come back for more, that doesn't mean we have to just accept whatever is put in front of us. Especially when what's been put in front of us is wearing a bedazzled Storm Trooper mask and a fuzzy vest. Some of these characters were able to thrive despite their terrible introductions to wrestling fans, while others may have prospered if they'd only been given a second chance. But they didn't. So they are doomed to live as legendary symbols of what-the-f*ckery for all of eternity. Note: For those of you who will surely be inclined to run to the comments section when you see a noticeable absence of The Gobbledy Gooker, remember that we're only talking about wrestlers here. And Gooker was...well, something. But it never saw any wrestling action.