12 Most Embarrassing Wrestler Debuts In WWE History

11. Jeff Hardy In Ring Of Honor

This is one instance where the fans flat-out refused to let a wrestler debut with any sort of grace and without even a five-second trial period. Prior to his resurgence in Ring of Honor, Hardy had commented in an interview that he was burned out with wrestling and he, more or less, was just kind of over it all at the moment. Ahem, now flash-forward a short time later to his debut in front of diehard wrestling fans who have no tolerance for performers who don't give it 100 percent. Resurrecting an old character called "Willow the Wisp," Hardy wore a mask and trench coat during his entrance, which caused him to botch his signature "Suicide pose" on the turnbuckle. Then he just sort of stumbled around in a surely drug-enhanced daze, taunting the crowd in a half-assed manner and generally just holding up the proceedings. Chants of "Hardy sucks," "You got fired," and "We want Matt" echoed through the arena. Jeff was a dear in headlights for at least the first five minutes in the ring. All in all, the match itself could have been much worse, and Hardy looked respectable in the ring. But the reaction from ROH fans made it impossible for him to get over. Not surprisingly, Jeff Hardy didn't last long at ROH.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.