12 Pearls Of Wrestling Wisdom From Raven On Talk Is Jericho

8. Vince Russo Knows Nothing About Title Belts

Although he admits that Vince Russo is fantastic with regards to some aspects of the business, when it comes to title belts, Raven holds nothing back. He blasts the booker for placing no value on championships while in WCW, and talks of how he'd stumble on creative meetings between Vince and Disco Inferno, where the pair would be chuckling about the importance everybody else bestowed upon "fictional belts". Jericho and Raven discuss the notion that, if championships are portrayed as meaning nothing, everything else in a promotion suddenly becomes less meaningful as a result. It's hard to disagree, especially considering the intense discussion WWE's main title holders provoke to this day. Titles aren't merely reflections of kayfabe achievement - they also say a lot about the standing of a particular champion in the eyes of the company and fans. A fact that Vinny Ru obviously didn't cotton onto.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.