12 Pearls Of Wrestling Wisdom From Raven On Talk Is Jericho

6. 'Vince Doesn't Rate Anything You Do Unless It's In A WWE Ring'

Raven tells a story about his return to WWE in 2000, having previously worked for the company in the early 90s. Apparently, upon first seeing him, Vince remarked "who hired Johnny Polo?" (Raven's old ring name back in the day. Jericho elaborates on the tale, explaining that Vince doesn't place much emphasis at all on achievements made in other companies. To be a star in his eyes, you've got to be over in WWE. This perhaps explains why, as beloved and groundbreaking as Raven's character was in ECW, it was never really allowed to develop and flourish in front of a wider audience once he returned to Vince.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.