12 Pearls Of Wrestling Wisdom From Raven On Talk Is Jericho

5. Focus On Your Opponent's Strengths, Not Your Own

When discussing the secrets to being a good worker, Raven explains his philosophy of always tailoring his matches to his opponent. He explains that this is the secret behind a fairly limited worker "like Road Dogg" thriving more in WWE than countless indie-style superstars before and since. He says that, although the New Age Outlaw could only do "about two things" in the ring, his dedication to correctly putting over his opponent's moves made him a company stalwart. Somewhat controversially, Raven then mentions Ric Flair in a fairly unfavourable manner, suggesting that "every Ric Flair match is a Ric Flair match" - highlighting the nature boy's inability to wrestle any other style but his own. It's a very debatable point of view, mind...
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.