12 Reasons DX Was Better Than The nWo

9. They Were Funnier

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0B5csEiqRU Humor played a big role in the success of the Attitude Era. Some of Steve Austin€™s biggest bits involved a level of comedy, such as €œBang 3:16.€ A majority of The Rock€™s charisma comes from his comedic timing. And Mick Foley got way more over pulling a sock out of his pants than he ever did doing the Cactus Jack elbow. So in the humor category, DX easily trumps the nWo, who were a deadly serious group. Sometimes Scott Hall or Kevin Nash would crack wise, but it was usually with insider lingo that only a few people would get. DX€™s comedy bits were a staple of the group. There might not have been any funnier segment on Raw than the Nation of Domination parody. Even the follow-up Corporation parody, while a poor man€™s version of the original, had some good laughs in it. And the sheer audacity of €œinvading€ WCW was hilarious in principle.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.