12 Reasons DX Was Better Than The nWo

7. They Didn€™t Have Any Filler Wrestlers

The nWo at its height was extremely bloated. There were a lot of wrestlers that wouldn€™t be classified as stars. Some of the nWo foot-soldiers included ex-WWF stars who never got over in WCW, including Michael Walstreet (IRS), Big Bubba Rogers (The Big Boss Man), Brian Adams (Crush), The Disciple (Brutus Beefcake), and Vincent (Virgil). Other dregs included Scott Norton, the nWo version of Sting, and Stevie Ray. DX was leaner. They had less members, but each one was vitally important to the group. At one point, Triple H was the Intercontinental Champion, X-Pac was the European Champion, and the New Age Outlaws were the Tag Team Champions. They were the most powerful group in the WWF because every member mattered.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.