12 Signings That Changed The Wrestling World

10. Ronda Rousey (To WWE)

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Her second run with the company may not have been quite as compelling and must-see as many would have hoped, but that still doesn't change the fact that Ronda Rousey's initial arrival in WWE back in 2018 was a gigantic moment that led to some monumental events.

Coming off of a high-profile UFC career, the former Bantamweight Champion enjoyed one of the strongest rookie years of all time, producing one of the finest debuts of the last few decades in her thrilling sports entertainment rollercoaster at WrestleMania 34 and battling her way to Raw Women's Championship gold.

'The Baddest Woman on the Planet' was a genuine attraction for a time, with her violent arm-snapping and unpredictable mic work making for gripping TV whenever she strutted down the ramp.

And were it not for Ronda's presence on the roster and undeniable star power, would Becky Lynch have ever rose to the very top of the business in the way she did? Probably not. 'The Man's hot feud with Ronda and the subsequent first-ever all-women's 'Mania main event were vital parts of her journey to becoming the biggest full-time player in the company.

Also, it's unlikely WWE attempt to put on a refreshing all-women's PLE like Evolution 2018 without a mainstream superstar like Rousey in their ranks.

Put simply, the MMA fighter's decision to sign back in 2018 led to a number of epic firsts and made undoubted history.

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Cody Rhodes
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