12 Signs WWE Fans Should Never Get Their Own Way

WWE were 100% right about Zack Ryder...

It's fair to say that pro wrestling fans do an awful lot of complaining nowadays. On one side of the coin, that shows people really care about the industry. On the other, it proves that almost everybody feels they could book World Wrestling Entertainment more effectively than the folks actually employed to do so. Wrestling fans should be passionate, and they should care about what goes on week-to-wee in WWE. However, that's not to say that the people are always correct. As shocking as it may sound, there are occasions when both hardcore and casual grappling enthusiasts want things that simply wouldn't work out in the long run. The reasons for this are varied, and this article explores many of them. This list may seem like a thinly-veiled attack on those who give a damn about WWE's product. In truth, it's not, it's simply an examination of realism. Quite often, it seems that wrestling fans want things when it seems like they can't have them. Then, if they are handed what they've begged for, they revolt on the idea as though it's the worst one ever. That must be confusing for those in charge, but it does make for some fascinating realisations. The following 12 entries are all things WWE fans either wish to see or have actually witnessed. In virtually every instance, the results either wouldn't be, or didn't turn out positive.

12. Bringing Back The King Of The Ring

For years, wrestling fans have cried foul over WWE's apparent refusal to make the King Of The Ring a standalone Pay-Per-View again. This year, the event was aired as a WWE Network exclusive, and it turned out to be sub-par at best. Wade Barrett was chosen as the winner, and his 'King' Barrett character has been a noose around his neck ever since. Nothing good has come of Barrett's time spent prancing around with a phony robe, crown and scepter. The 'King' gimmick just doesn't mean anything in 2015, but try telling most hardcore wrestling fans that. There's a reason people desperately want the King Of The Ring to be a success, it was such an excellent idea when it first launched in the late-80's, eventually becoming a PPV in 1993. Sadly, time has marched on, and the concept isn't a favourable one with WWE management. As much as fans want it to be featured like before, the past few tournaments have been woeful. Both Barrett and his predecessor, 'King' Sheamus have been embarrassingly bad. Neither men has benefited from the 'rub' of winning the tournament.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.