12 Times Brock Lesnar Lost Clean

9. With The Big Show Vs. The Undertaker - SmackDown (October 23, 2003)

Brock Lesnar

Before long, Brock Lesnar was WWE Champion again, and the fall saw a redux of his 2002 feud with The Undertaker. Where the original program between the two culminated in an excellent Hell in a Cell match, though, the 2003 version was pretty much devoid of redeeming value.

One of the more ridiculous moments in the feud came on the October 23 episode of SmackDown, when The Undertaker was booked in a handicap match against Lesnar and "The Next Big Thing's" adversary-turned-ally, The Big Show. WWE has been infamously reticent to book heels not named Triple H strongly, but Lesnar seemed largely immune to that pattern... until this bout.

Despite the advantage, Lesnar and Show were beaten multiple times. Undertaker pinned Show after a chokeslam off the top rope, but Paul Heyman - who had been made the new GM of SmackDown earlier in the evening - announced that the bout was a two-out-of-three falls match. When Undertaker won by countout, Heyman said he forgot to mention there were no countouts, and when Show hit 'Taker with a chair, the GM said that the bout was also a no disqualification match.

Still, Undertaker hung in there, and eventually hit Lesnar with a chain to score a pin over him. Needless to say, that was not "The Next Big Thing's" finest hour.

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Brock Lesnar
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013