12 Ways WWE Can Still #FreeWrestleMania From Sucking

8. You're Not The Boss Of Me

Conventional wisdom has Sasha Banks going over Becky Lynch and current Diva's Champion Charlotte to become the new titleholder going into the post-WrestleMania season. That made sense a few months ago - but given the hard work that Becky Lynch has put into getting over since Charlotte turned heel on her, it makes more sense to me to give Lynch the win and to submit her old bestie for a clean finish (as clean as a triple threat can ever be, of course). That way, Becky finally gets her revenge and the title to avoid her appearing to be useless in a big match situation (what we call 'the Ziggler Effect'). Added to that, Sasha isn't involved in the finish, which protects her and Lynch for a future feud together. What I'd like to see is a proper, traditional rubber match at Payback: a steel cage match between Lynch and Charlotte for the title. If what's left of the Diva's Revolution is to mean anything, then they need to build on the work they've done in giving the NXT Divas the main event and a gimmick like the Iron Man match. Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks have had fantastic heroes welcomes on RAW recently: not fantastic women's match reactions, but normal babyface pops, the ones you'd expect for a popular, respected upper midcarder of any gender. That's great, because it proves that casual WWE fans can connect with women's wrestling just as wrestling geeks do - even after the company have buried it for so many years. Putting them in a steel cage tells the world that these aren't just Divas. They're wrestlers. With Bayley likely to head to the main roster after Asuka leaves a smoking crater where she used to be in NXT, the company need to stay the distance. Just like Sami Zayn, provided she's handled properly Bayley has the potential to be the next big white meat babyface on RAW. I'd like to be optimistic for a change and say that I think WWE might not actually blow this after all...

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.