12 Ways WWE Can Still #FreeWrestleMania From Sucking

9. A Last Minute Diva's Angle

Awkward wrestling conversation Lana has been instigating a feud with Brie Bella in recent weeks - she sniped at her over Daniel Bryan backstage on RAW a week or so ago, and tried to distract her during a match on Main Event a few days later. This week on both RAW and Smackdown she's taken it to the next level, actually assaulting Mrs. Danielson in the ring with her own finishing move, the 'bella buster'. What Lana has against Brie Bella is a mystery to everyone, probably including Lana. However, it's rumoured that this will be Brie's last WrestleMania, as she's retiring to go and live on the same farm her husband was sent to last month so that they can raise little goats together. It's certainly an oddly WWE thing to do, giving her the WrestleMania farewell that Bryan didn't get. Is it a coincidence that Lana began getting up in Brie's business around the time that rumours began flying around about Mick Foley's involvement with the show? After all, he's a confirmed Bellas fan, and a personal friend of both twins who regularly stands up for them online whenever someone has a pop at them. Even on a non-wrestling basis, WWE probably want to keep Daniel Bryan as far away from WrestleMania as possible - right now, he'd get a bigger pop than anyone, and the other stars on the card - especially Roman Reigns - don't need the competition for crowd approval. But having Mick Foley in Brie's corner and Rusev in Lana's? WWE would have no problem with Rusev being lamped in the face if Foley was up for it, and it wouldn't require the decrepit Hall Of Famer to bump, or really move too much. Of course, that would mean that this match was set up primarily to allow Mrs. Foley's baby boy to make an appearance and get a (right here, in Dallas Texas) cheap pop. That's... well, it's cynical as all f*ck, but for the cost of a badly wrestled three minute skit in the middle of the card, it raises the crowd's spirits and gives WWE a video clip to hawk around. It's not a bad deal all round, really.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.