12 Ways WWE Can Still #FreeWrestleMania From Sucking

6. Multi-Man, Multi-Man, Does Whatever A Multi Can

Since Sami Zayn's run in on this week's RAW to save Neville from Kevin Owens' unrepentant dicklessness, many, many people have been going quietly bananas at the thought of seeing Zayn vs. Owens at WrestleMania. Don't get me wrong: it's one of my favourite match-ups from two of my favourite performers, and the basis for their feud is Proper Wrestling. At the right time, in the right place, these two are going to be hot fire together... but knowing that makes me want it done right. When WWE decided to push Batista and put him over Triple H, they didn't hotshot it in a matter of weeks, but slowly built the man up as a potential babyface star, Triple H taking literally months to put him over the right way. When the company decided that Steve Austin was their guy, they built him over nearly two years in the eyes of the crowd between his King Of The Ring victory in June 1996 and his first WWF Championship at WrestleMania XIV. As much as I'd love to see Sami Zayn Helluva Kick Owens' face off to reveal that he's Old Man Withers from the amusement park, I want the feud to be the star-making turn it should be, for both men. So rather than waste Zayn/Owens in the middle of the card in front of an audience that might not be aware of their history, let's have the by now traditional multi-man clusterf*ck for the Intercontinental Championship instead. The ladder match is a little played out - I've personally always wanted to see how a basic singles elimination match would work out. It's the same principle as a triple threat/fatal four-way match, with everyone in the ring at once - but instead of a pinfall or submission winning the match and the title, it simply eliminates the man pinned or submitted, just as in the Elimination Chamber or traditional Survivor Series match. I'd like to see Neville, the Miz and Dolph Ziggler (if he's not already booked on the card) join Zayn and Owens... and one other. Stardust has been teasing that time is running out for his character on Twitter for a little while now, today posting an image of himself with a watch emoji ticking away, and two weeks ago a 'TNG Season 7 Episode 25' caption over an image of Stardust staring at a picture of Cody Rhodes (that's a reference to the last ever Star Trek The Next Generation episode, 'All Good Things...'). Meanwhile, Cody Rhodes' personal Twitter account has been making reference to getting back into ring shape. As much as I love Stardust, I would mark out like an eight-year-old if Cody Rhodes came back at WrestleMania 32 and defeated five other men to regain his Intercontinental Championship. Zayn can eliminate Owens. Seems about right... but next year? Next year they can murder-death-kill one another to massive heat.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.