12 WrestleMania 32 Worries For Smart Marks

3. Ignoring Boos At WrestleMania

This entry is more of a cause for concern going forward assuming they remain on the creative course they€™re on and provided they keep that roof closed.

The largest number of those damned internet people is at WrestleMania. It€™s a global contingent and on this day they aren€™t known for trying to hijack the show for fun. That€™s something to bear in mind during the WWE title match this Sunday.

We will finally see how far Vince is willing to go with this absurd dream and how much of the paying fan base is actually behind it. Roman Reigns hovers much closer to unanimous boos than Cena ever did and WWE just keeps doubling down on the guy.

He may have been spared the rod slightly if other superstars weren€™t shuffled back into the deck to make room for him but McMahon€™s Roman strategy is incredibly aggressive.

Those suckers on the internet are worried that this trend will continue post-€˜Mania, compelling them to use a more proactive booing strategy. We could be looking at a resurgence of the #CancelWWENetwork trend if the grandest stage of them all closes out to a chorus of boos.

The one factor that could prevent this happens to be our next troubling item€


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.