12 WrestleMania 35 Match Predictions Following WWE Elimination Chamber 2019
3. Randy Orton Vs AJ Styles

Randy Orton's twice despatched AJ Styles in as many matches, with a late victory in a SmackDown Live gauntlet followed up by an RKO-assisted pinfall over the 'Phenomenal One' in their Elimination Chamber skirmish.
Dynamic, flashy and still reeking of his outsider influences, Styles is traditionally the flashy workhorse the Orton character would despise. WrestleMania could serve as a proving ground for both and answer several intriguing questions in the process. Can AJ still entertain at snail's pace? Does 'The Viper' have a better-than-average WrestleMania match after all? Will Orton go with blue and Styles get the Jaguar?
If any of that sounds facetious, it's because it's hard to picture either of them exiting their comfort zones this close to their respective end zones. The match will be good, but good matches are common than actual sh*t ones now. Better to stink up the joint than send everybody off to the concession stand out of sheer boredom - but that's not a problem a daft RKO finish won't fix.