12 Wrestlers Who Competed Under The Influence
11. John Bradshaw Layfield

Former WWE Champion (and figure of loathing amongst the ECW faithful) John Bradshaw Layfield was an absolute riot on the One Night Stand commentary track he provided as a DVD extra thanks to just how tanked up he got during the event, but his actions were worse than his words when required to engage in a physical finale.
Infamously smashing The Blue Meanie's face to bits with a serious of stiff shots as the show-closing melee unfolded, Bradshaw's unprofessionalism was undone by a brief television programme between the pair that appeared to figuratively heal the wounds inflicted upon Meanie's unsuspecting face.
Accused of targeting his assault on Meanie, Bradshaw was perhaps too far gone to realise just how hard he'd gone in. The alcoholically-impaired commentary track is a rare and real treat, adding a totally different spin on an iconic show, but should have never concluded with him leaving his post. If the plan all along was to imbibe, he should have resisted the urge to let his fists fly altogether and handed off his anger to one of his many lieutenants.