12 WWE Criticisms That Split The Wrestling Audience

1. Same Old Characters On Top

Kane has been running amok on WWE programming since October, 1997. Similarly, The Big Show has been part of the promotion since February, 1999. For both men, that's well over 15 years of regular appearances, which is a lot in TV-land. Every character, regardless of success, has a shelf life. This is likely why the company have tweaked both significantly over the years. That's a smart strategy, but it hasn't changed the fact that wrestling fans simply don't want to see Show or Kane in the main event slots any longer. They've been around so long without significant breaks, and people feel things are repeating whenever Big Show claims to be a dominant monster, or Kane switches his masked character on and off to suit WWE. The fact both continue to be called upon for top line pushed is symptomatic of a major WWE problem. Namely, there really aren't too many alternatives. The company feel they can rely on Big Show and Kane to carry the load when they're light on star power. There's integrity to that mind set, but it's less-than-exciting for the paying audience who watch regularly. What other WWE criticisms do you think inspire arguments amongst fans? What do you make of the topics raised here? Let your voice be heard down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.