12 WWE Criticisms That Split The Wrestling Audience

2. Monday Night Raw Is 3 Hours Long

Casual WWE fans hate this argument, one that comes from those who simply do not believe Monday Night Raw should be a 3-hour program. Looking at the sagging ratings, it's hard to argue that the format isn't working. There's a lot of filler on Raw, and Smackdown is often made redundant as little more than a recap show. Where's the upside? For starters, WWE glean more money for that third hour. That advertising cash is valuable to the promotion, but there's a negative impact in the long run. Fans are not inspired by the show currently, which will fester over time. Monday Night Raw has been 3 hours long since the Summer of 2012, the weekly broadcast is long overdue a shake up. In the opinion of those who watch religiously, Raw is interminable. 180 minutes, including adverts, is a long time to watch a show in the modern era. Arguments have been made that the flag ship program would be better served reverting to a 2-hour format, becoming a more slick and polished show as a consequence. Too much product can be a bad thing, especially if there's no widespread demand for it.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.