12 WWE Criticisms That Split The Wrestling Audience

11. The 'Female Revolution' Is Dead

Throughout 2015, WWE have made an awful lot of noise about the fact they're determined to feature women in lofty positions. At the beginning of the year, there was a lot of talk online concerning criticism from the likes of AJ Lee, Paige and others about the way females are treated in the promotion. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon decided to be very vocal on the subject. Right around this time, the subject of a 'female revolution' in the company was broached. Latterly, this has taken the form of the Divas being featured in more lengthy matches. Better yet, they've also been given actual storylines to sink their teeth into. Sadly, these angles still exist on the same monotonous plane. Basically, female storylines still boil down to one party being a bitchy heel. It's very paper-thin, but a fair portion of the WWE fan base dislike this argument. The less analysing fan will argue that the 'female revolution' is alive and well. In their opinion, it's excellent that the likes of Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch have been brought up from NXT onto the main roster. The question is, do WWE's writers have a goal in mind when the initial buzz wears off?
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.