12 WWE Stars Who Left And Returned More Bad Ass

10. Al Snow

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Mired in the midcard pack during the cartoon-like 'New Generation' Era of the WWF, Allen Sarven was cast as the dorky Leif Cassidy and his team with Marty Jannetty, dubbed 'The New Rockers', was doomed from the start. 

People were not going to embrace the rejigged duo the way they had Shawn Michaels and Jannetty years before.

Other hammy characters such as Shinobi and Avatar did nothing for the man - he was another failed experiment during an era responsible for many. Much like Justin Credible, it'd take some time in ECW for Sarven to find his feet. 

There, he was embraced as the psychotic Al Snow, a deranged figure who brought a mannequin head to the ring with him.

The character became so popular that officials in the WWF started paying attention. In 1998, Snow moved back to the company, this time armed with a killer gimmick. He had been loaned to ECW in a talent exchange, only to completely turn his career around and be welcomed back. 

The Al Snow persona was just as loved in the WWF as it had been in ECW. There was something wacky about it that appealed to people and it was definitely cooler than the geeky Cassidy.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.