13 Classic Matches That Should Have Happened At WrestleMania

11. John Cena vs. Randy Orton €“ WWE Championship €“ WrestleMania 24

Early in their careers, Cena and Orton were handpicked by the right people to lead the charge for the next decade. By 2007, the two had been multi-time World Champions and barely touched in the ring. In fact, they never had a one-on-one match in that time-frame. Having the two meet for the first time at WrestleMania should have been a logical conclusion. Instead, WWE couldn€™t help but jump the gun in an attempt to push SummerSlam as the second biggest show of the year. Their first pay-per-view singles match happened in front of 17,000 fans in New Jersey and lasted all but thirteen minutes with Cena retaining the WWE Championship. After an injury sidelined Cena until his surprise return at the 2008 Royal Rumble (which he won), the Doctor of Thuganomics took his title shot early, challenging WWE Champion Orton to a match at No Way Out. Orton got himself disqualified to retain the title, Triple H got involved in the title picture, and Cena obviously deserved a rematch. The Triple Threat Match between the three was set for WrestleMania 24. So yes, John Cena and Randy Orton technically wrestled one another at WrestleMania. But how much bigger would that match have been if Cena and Orton locked horns for the first time that night? By this point, fans were tired of seeing the two in the ring together. Had they waited to cash in, who knows what kind of money it could have drawn?

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.