13 Coolest WWE Ring Attires Of 2018

1. Velveteen Dream (NXT TakeOver: WarGames II)

velveteen dream hollywood hogan

What Was It: The street-smart sensibilities of Velveteen Dream came to the fore once again at NXT TakeOver: WarGames II when he came out dressed as Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Twitter immediately went bananas over this ultra-cool nWo tribute.

Why It Was Cool: There are a few good reasons. Firstly, wearing nWo-like gear has become cool all over again since The Bullet Club revitalised 'Too Sweet' and other tropes. That nostalgic kick, along with Dream's 'oVa' message, is the kind of insider reference NXT's hardcore audience adore.

Secondly, Dream is black, and so paying homage to the Hulkster for a second time felt almost (almost) like a message of forgiveness to the formerly-disgraced legend. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but it sure felt like that watching the show. Only Velveteen himself would know for sure.

What were your favourite WWE ring attires in 2018? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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