13 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Sept 27)

6. Has Jade Always Been This Strong?

cesaro big suplex big show

I'm not really sure why Jade got a shot at Gail Kim's Knockouts Championship because I don't ever recall seeing her even in a singles match. But I haven't been a TNA regular for too long, so maybe it's just me. 

Even though I didn't realize that Jade was in the title hunt, she did a pretty good job at justifying her spot in this match on Impact. She looked competitive against the Knockouts Champ as highlighted by this display of strength on Gail Kim. 

It's true that Kim isn't one of the larger opponents that Jade could be facing, but she still lowers and raises her into a Sitout Powerbomb with relative ease. Gail Kim won this match, but now I'm rooting for a Dollhouse implosion just so Jade gets more chances to slam some Knockouts around.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.