13 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Sept 27)

5. Kofi Took A Beating

cesaro big suplex big show

The trio of Neville, Sin Cara, and Kalisto were already highlighted earlier in this article, but their athleticism didn't end there. There were even more insane spots from their bout against New Day on Smackdown.

Neville air lifted Kalisto so that he flattened Kofi onto the mat. Kofi seemed quick to roll his lucha rival away, probably to avoid a pinfall cover. This foresight worked against him as The Man That Gravity Forgot simply dove over his tumbling partner to attack Kofi with an additional dropkick.

Looking ahead, New Day have an upcoming Tables Match title defense against The Dudley Boyz at WWE's live event from MSG next weekend. As for Neville and The Lucha Dragons, they'll probably have some more encounters with The Cosmic Wasteland soon. 


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.