13 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About WrestleMania 31

4. Rusev's Gonna Be A Big Ol' Babyface After Everything's Said And Done

So here's the situation. A proud man with (potentially) deeply flawed beliefs beat another proud man (via nefarious means), and the defeated man accepted his loss. However, upon further review, the proud, defeated man (who initially accepted losing) decides that he's angry about said loss and proceeds to violently assault the man who beat him (and had moved on after winning). As well, the defeated man throws numerous tantrums, but the proud winner (rightfully) refuses the return match. In theory at Wrestlemania, John Cena is the arrogant heel and Rusev the put-upon babyface. Cena wins, he's a jerk who couldn't just leave well enough alone and has a hollow victory. Rusev wins (and does so cleanly this time) he's a proud man who you may not agree with, but you know is gifted. (Accidentally?) WWE has a HUGE babyface on their hands. They'll probably squander it, but seriously...a HUGE babyface.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.