13 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About WrestleMania 31

3. Has Triple H Done Enough To Get Sting Over?

Triple H is wrestling a man that for purposes of WWE storylines sat on his ass for 14 years and waited until *right now* to find flaws in leadership in WWE. There's 100 better ways to bring back Sting than to bury WCW. In fact, that's the big problem here. In attaching Sting to WCW, he's actually completely burying any worth he could currently have to WWE. So, yeah. Sting's comeback has been fun for cheap nostalgic pops and remembering the non-WWE "Attitude Era." That's great. But it's almost 1.5 decades later since then. What about reinventing Sting? Sting cutting one promo after Survivor Series to say that he's coming after Triple H, and that he's luck that it wasn't The Undertaker who screwed over Team Authority would be amazing. He could continue that he saw The Undertaker lose last year and that he reached out to him and said he'd "keep an eye on WWE" while he took care of himself would be amazing. That one character development establishes Sting as the "new Undertaker" and gives him a wholly WWE-defined role. In fact, Sting cutting one more promo to say that he's got his hands full with The Authority and that he doesn't know if Taker could come back for Bray Wyatt would have been awesome and added intrigue. WWE eventually having this amazing "Council of Mystical Characters" who appear once a year and kick all of the ass would be cool. Imagine Undertaker, Sting and Kane doing cool one-offs every year. That'd be fun and add a unique dynamic to WWE. However, as presently configured, Triple H versus Sting is going to be really boring and not have the palpable heat that it should deserve.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.