13 Questions With The Honky Tonk Man

1. Four Decades And Counting

Honky Tonk Man

You’re still wrestling at the age of 63, four decades after you entered the business. It stands to reason you enjoy it.

“I always say that if you don’t love it any more, stop doing it because it’s detrimental to you mentally and physically because, if you’re not happy, you won’t take care of yourself. If you’re not happy being there, it’s detrimental to the kids in the locker room who look up to you and were fans of yours. If you can’t go there with a good, positive attitude and have fun and enjoy doing it, then stay home.

“I enjoy doing the One-Man Show stuff that I do: it’s really different. I enjoy doing training seminars. One of my students in Switzerland [in the 2000s] was Cesaro. I did another seminar about two months later in the Netherlands and, I’ll be darned, the first guy that showed up for class was him. He was better than most of the guys in WWE at that point in time, and he ended up showing that he is very good. I’m proud of him, and I’m proud of the fact that he came and listened to what I had to say and took part in that.

“I enjoy teaching and training. But I will say this: I don’t enjoy going into the ring with some of the young kids who only know how to be a stunt man. I’m not a stunt man: I’m a pro wrestler, and I do pro wrestling-style stuff like a 60-year-old man does. I’ll do six-mans and tag matches, and have fun with it.

“The secret to any business is longevity. The longer you can stay around, the more things that can happen for you. Lucha Underground obviously knew that I was still out there and doing stuff, and they called me and I got a cameo appearance on the season opener of season three. It was a big positive.”

Catch The Honky Tonk Man’s One-Man Show on these dates:

November 10: The Counting House, Edinburgh

November 12: PCW Academy, Preston, Lancashire

November 13: One Call Stadium, Mansfield

November 14: The Bedford, Balham, London

November 16: Symphony Rooms, Leicester

November 20: Tivoli, Dublin

For more information, visit: www.honkytonkman.net


The former editor of Power Slam: The Wrestling Magazine, Fin Martin has been writing about pro wrestling for nearly 25 years. His latest eBook, The Power Slam Interviews Volume 1, is available worldwide from Amazon, iBooks and Kobo. In his spare time, he enjoys walking in the Lake District.